Author: Dennis Kahohi

Maurice Carney, co-founder and executive director of Friends of the Congo (@congofriends), argued on Episode 18 of our ‘Pan-African Attitude’ podcast that Rwanda’s president, Paul Kagame,…

France’s strategy in the DRC has been one of covert manipulation, military interference and economic exploitation, often using proxy forces to maintain control while publicly positioning…

On this day, 16 February in 1959, Fidel Castro was sworn in as prime minister of revolutionary Cuba after leading a guerrilla campaign that forced US-backed…

Since the 17th century, European academics have tried to justify White supremacy and racism, promoting narratives that ‘other’ people of the Global South – presenting them…

In a speech at Michigan State University on 24 January 1963, revolutionary and civil-rights activist Malcom X (1925-65) drew a distinction between field and house N*groes.…

Economist and public-policy analyst Jeffrey Sachs was interrupted during a democracy forum in Greece (in 2022) while discussing the atrocities committed by the US and the…

People on social media are cheering for Burkina Faso as internet users post videos of new road-construction vehicles pouring into the country via Ghana. Featuring the…

West, Central and North Africa have seen a number of successful power grabs in recent years. These can broadly be divided into two types: the anti-imperialist…